My Name is Norma. I am new at blogging. I am still trying to understand what it's all about. This is what I am getting so far.
People blog about what they do for a living, what they have read in the news, where they have traveled to, and what they do in their spare time. Did I leave anything out?
I work at a local bakery where we know what time we start but we never know what time we will finish. I guess it might be like any other job. The pay is OK, but it's nothing to brag about. Been there 20 years with only 6 years left for me to retire, if the bakery stays in operation that long.
My advise to anyone reading this is to get as much education as you can because working for someone else has absolutely no security at all!
In the past 20 years I filed bankruptcy once and it looks like it may be in the near future again. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to venture into starting my own business but I lack the necessary elements, Money and Know How! But guess what, I am not giving up. There is something out there that I am good at, and I will find it or die trying!